Sunday, 22 November 2009

5 Mistakes to Avoid to Achieve Your Fitness Training Program

The Weight loss and Fitness training industries experience their highest surge of demand during the months of January and February. Its no coincidence that chief among people's New Year resolutions is the desire to either lose weight or get in better shape physically. 

However, there is a noticeable decline in gym memberships, discount fitness equipment sales and weight loss program enrolments as the year progresses. Why does all that enthusiasm and energy towards pursuing a healthier body and shedding excess pounds fizzle out as the year unravels? Well, in speaking to a lot of people I have discovered that there are 5 main reasons why people quit their fitness and weight loss programs. Below are the chief reasons and ways you can overcome them

Reason 1 - No Plan 

You've heard the statement 'Failing to plan is planning to fail' Well, this rings very true for your fitness training and weight loss program. The number one reason people abandon their exercise regimes is because they do not set out any structure, diet timetable, budget etc towards their intended goals. Before you begin your next fitness program, first of all decide what you want to achieve. Is it weight loss or a more toned figure? Then map out how you are going to achieve these goals. This will give you the motivation to keep going on those rainy and dark days when you feel like giving up.

Reason 2 - Keep a journal 

While your progress might not seem apparent when you step onto the scale on Day 2 of your fitness program, the fact is progress has been made. This is another reason why people give up so soon on their fitness dreams. They finish a hard day at the gym plus starve themselves of their chocolate fix only to hit the scales and realize no weight has been loss. In some instances, weight gain could even be noted! 

This is only normal when you begin a fitness program. Keeping a journal to chart your progress will give you inspiration to continue at that turning point when most people give up. Just imagine yourself kicking back on Day 57 and realize in amazement that over the past 7 weeks you've either lost 20 pounds, lifted an extra 30 kg in your daily work out session or can now fit into that dress you wore as care-free teenager. Your journal should include a commentary on your daily workout sessions, weight, exercise variations, number of reps and goals towards your next workout.

Reason 3 - Outrageous Goals 

Its been said that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade. This rings so true for most people's weight loss and fitness program goals. Some people want to go from barely being able to walk up a flight of stairs without fainting to running the London Marathon…in 4 weeks! Its just not going to happen. Set realistic and achievable goals and as you master each task you set yourself, you'll feel an inner sense of pride that will inspire you to do more.

Reason 4 - No Fitness Training Partner 

I think we can all relate to this. One of the main reasons we all desire to stay fit and get into great shape is for the attention we'll get from family, friends and strangers. However the journey towards getting that body to die for can be a hard and lonely one. And without a partner to inspire and encourage you in moments of weakness, most of us abandon our weight loss or fitness training programs. 

That's why having a partner - either a spouse, friend or colleague join you in your workout sessions can prove the difference between short term success or long term victory. Even being in the same room with other motivated people in a gym setting can do wonders for your personal commitment towards your goals.

Reason 5 - Zero Fun Approach 

Getting fit and doing exercises should be fun and not approached as a chore or punishment meted out by your worst high school teacher. Chill out. Inject some fun into your fitness program. You could wear a different color of gym clothes for different days of the week. Take a different path when you go jogging in the morning. Try mixing and matching the number of reps you do combined with heavier or smaller weights etc the list is endless. You find something new and exciting to add to your workout plan and avoid monotony like the plague. Workout sessions should be moments you look forward to and not dread.

So there it is. 5 reasons most people quit their fitness or weight loss programs and how you can overcome these roadblocks towards obtaining that body you've always dreamed of. Prepare, keep a journal, set realistic and measurable goals, get a friend or colleague to join you on your fitness ride and inject some fun. Getting fit shouldn't just be a January or February thing. Your body needs good loving 365 days of the year. To your success.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Eliminate the 7 Common Reasons Stopping You From Starting a Fitness and Weight Loss Program

Health is Wealth
Now everyone has heard the above statement at some point or the other. What is the use of having all the money or friends in the world if you do not have the good health to enjoy it and them. Sometimes it takes a major event in our lives to realize how important our health is to us. Below are the five common excuses people give people and how you can squash them once and for all if you use these excuses yourselves.

Reason 1 - I do not have time
This is a classic and often used excuse. I think most people use this excuse because they think keeping fit has to involve signing up to a gym membership, buy some expensive Home gym equipment or dedicating massive chunks of their time to their fitness program. Well I have good news for you. You only need to commit 5 minutes each day. And you do not need to join the gym or buy expensive gym equipment. Something as simple as 5 sets of push ups or press ups or even brisk walking up and down your block is all you need to start with.

Reason 2 - No available Fitness Equipment
If this is your excuse, then paying a monthly fee to a gym could definitely solve this problem. While building a home gym could solve any time constraints you may have, it could be a bit expensive if you want to get a wide range of cardio-vascular, weight lifting, boxing etc range of equipment. Signing up to the gym will solve this excuse. Easy.

Reason 3 - I do not have the money for Gym membership
Well if you are ready to join a gym, then it shows you have the commitment to start a fitness program. Definitely a good start. But do not allow a lack of funds stifle your desire to keep and stay fit. Like I mentioned in Reason 1, a run around your block or in the park will be a great way to start. Also if you are interested in building muscle, all you need are a set of Discount Neoprene dumbbells and you are ready to go. May I also add that you can get dumbbells these days at great prices.

Reason 4 - Need a Fitness Instructor

If this is your excuse then my answer is very simple. Enquire at your local gym and I can guarantee they will be very happy to assign a fitness instructor to help you with your fitness program. Ensure you know what you want to achieve with your fitness instructor, otherwise you might end up wasting his/her time.

Reason 5 - I am too Fat
This is one excuse that stops a lot of people from starting their fitness regime. They think that things have gone so bad that - Why bother even trying? If you are in this boat, then I want to eliminate this lie once and for all. You are never going to lose that excess weight until you start doing something about it. Also nothing is ever as bad as it first appears. People with unimaginable obesity issues have lost and maintained their new weight after a diligent commitment to a fitness and dieting program. If they can, so can you. Do not allow this lie stop you from living and enjoying the life you so deserve. Start today to make plans to begin your fitness program.

Reason 6 - I am Happy with the way I Look
Then you better start a fitness program going to maintain what you got. The last thing you want is to become complacent and start struggling to regain your shape and look. As you may or may not know, it is so much easier gaining it than losing it.

Reason 7 - You can add your own excuse here
And squash it like a stubborn tomato playing in a bath tub full of teenage hungry elephants.

So there you have it. 7 reasons people give to delay or avoid starting their fitness program and ways to overcome them. Your fitness will allow you to enjoy and live the life you so deserve. You can begin with a 5 minute daily session and build up from there. Your Fitness Matters. Take it seriously.